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                15 years of industry experience

                Professionally undertake all kinds of large and medium-sized fine decoration design and construction engineering and material supply

                "Quality First, Honest Service" is our consistent service tenet

                GZ Weilin Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd., which was founded in February 2005, has been approved by building decoration association  and became their member units in August. The company also had already received National architectural decoration design grade B qualification in 2010. The routine work of company is to undertake various large or medium decoration design and construction engineering together with material supply that categories of these projects included but not limited to villas, Luxury brand stores, large and medium-sized office buildings, counter production, logo production and supply, marble processing, etc.

                After more than decades of running-in and developing,our company has changed from a newcomer to a powerful enterprise which has a large number of outstanding management staffs, technical personnel and construction workers. In addition, “GD WeiLin Creative Display Co.,Ltd”  has been founded in August 2019 in Qingyuan. To offer clients top quality and all-round services, we have opened factory with more than 16000 square meter, in addition to adequate and excellent processing equipment. Moreover, our major professional factory specialized in manufacturing office furniture and stores’ showcase. 

                Besides, it is not rare to see that we have successful cases in the past, including Swiss watchmakers (OMEGA), Glashutte, Blancpain. KENZO of Hong Kong LVMH group, BMW, PORTS, PORTS 1961 of Xiamen Baozi industry co., LTD, Maxmara, Weekend etc.

                “Quality first and Sincere Service”is our constant and solemn commitment. We will continue to work for every customers by providing the most cordial and sincere service and improving staffs qualities,in order to establish a good corporate image in this industry.